experiment, chemistry, liquid

The scientific method

1- Let’s introduce

Let’s try a little experiment:

you have ten pieces of spaghetti and 6 marshmallows in front of you. Your objective is to coordinate with your partner to build the tallest tower. How will you succeed in this challenge?

Did you use a scientific method for this experiment or not? Think about it!

2- the right order

Take the document of the steps of the scientific method and put them into the right order and then make a diagram.

3- What is the good definition ?

Give a definition of the scientific method

4- Analyze the text.

Make a summary of the text you have (« How does Biology work »)  

5- Which are the important expressions of this session ?

Find the vocabulary you need for this lesson:

Steps of the Scientific Method

To make observations

To do experiments

To answer a question

To make an hypothesis, a guess

To prove an hypothesis

To test an hypothesis

To conduct a test

A test, a trial, a fact, a data, a value, a figure, a process, a control

To lead to something

To examine something

To develop an idea

To ask a question

To measure

To do research

A report

To analyze data

6- Let’s sing

1- Lyrical Life Science

2- Mr Payne

3- Mr. W’s Music Video

To go further : https://www.amnh.org/explore/videos/the-scientific-process

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