Seconde Euro SVT

Seconde Euro SVT co-enseignement par Anne Menon et Jérôme Boscq

I- Introduction to the European section -Seconde Euro SVT

Why English is so important in sciences ?

The scientific method

II- Germs on your hands ! What is the best: To use hydroalcoholic gel or soap ?


Experiment with your own germs

Cultivate your own germs to determine what alcohol or soap does

III- Let’s study an unicellular organism : yeast

How to use the microscope

Let’s study yeast growth 

what about Yeast metabolism?

IV- Do a presentation of an organelle of your choice

Presentation of an organelle, its structure and its function…

V- A fundamental discover : DNA 

How to extract DNA?

What did Watson and Crick discover?

VI- The DNA Escape game : 

« you have been kidnapped by a crazy scientist obsessed with DNA … to escape you will have to solve enigmas… only the genetic code will help you to find out which amino-acides are associated with codons… in order to unlock the front door …»

GOOD LUCK ! Ha ha ha ha !

VII- Build your own science podcast

What is a podcast in science?

Try a scientific podcast

Create your own scientific podcast

VIII- Endangered species

Build a poster of an endangered species

IX- To begin in genetics : 

• Introduction to heredity : DNA, Genes and chromosomes

Activités préparées en co-enseignement avec Mathilde Tricoire

The activity

1st group : Alfred Hidchcock’s inspiration

2nd group: The scientific point of view

XI- to go further

CLIL Biology :

Seconde Euro SVT

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