Endangered species

In this task, you’ll have to create a poster about an endangered species

To present the fruit of a research work to scientists, or to peers
Or to present fundamental works to the public

=> put yourself in the shoes of the person who will read it: the problematic and the vocabulary must therefore be well defined.

I- How to make a poster in biology

A- What is a scientific poster

A central question

Your central research question should be found in the content of your:

  • Title
  • Text
  • Graphics or picture
  • Conclusions

Sketch your organizational plan on paper and write down all the key ideas you have about your question. Here you have to work on an endangered species. Find the species you want to protect. Then find different data :

how to see if the poster works??

The poster must be educational, present a logical sequence and not be too dense. It must therefore :

  • Attract attention, it is a visual communication medium
  • Pass on a message
  • Make the reader enough addict to go deeper into the subject.

BUT for all researchers, he must respect a structure ! Here is a sample about wildlife:

photo from: https://www.behance.net

So, what should a poster be?

  • Attractive to capture the attention, the information must be as graphic as possible.
  • Structured to facilitate reading: the reader must be guided in his reading.
  • Concise to focus the communication on the main message: clear and precise text, short sentences, adapted font, not capitalized…

B- How to proceed to build your own poster?

Start by noting all the ideas and the informations you collect:

The information must be reliable and documented (the bibliography is most of time at the bottom of the poster).
Establish the main message and define the size of the poster:
Define the main message: Make a summary defining the problem and its resolution (= main theme)

The sizes

Generally imposed. But the landscape or portrait mode can also be free.

Here in the « european class of 2nde », your poster needs to fit on one panel. In an exceptional way, you will have to build it on a slide of powerpoint, keynote or impress.

Structure of the poster

Title: all the upper zone: Title of the poster, Authors (with first names in full if possible), Laboratory, City, Country, Email, Poster number (removable to be able to reuse the poster)

Abstract: An abstract should be given in the poster often before the introduction and covering the whole surface of the poster. A more complete abstract can also be distributed separately during the presentation.

Introduction: Top left: put the study in context and clearly identify the objective by putting a title « Objectives ».

Methods and results (Or usually when you are a researcher: methods and materials and then Results and discussion) : The method used is important, it allows to quickly verify the experimental approach applied. The results must follow the presentation of the corresponding method. This part « Methods and Results » must represent 2/3 of the poster.

Conclusion: At the bottom right: clearly identify the conclusion with a title « Conclusion » then possibly open with the Perspectives or applications

bibliography: What are your sources of information

Acknowledgements : Technicians, funding…

II- Build your own poster about an endangered species

What is an endangered species? Video: http://www.lumni.fr/video/what-are-endangered-species

a few explanations about endangered species

Which species do you want to protect?

  • What is the common name of this species?
  • What is its scientific name and its classification?

What are its biometric parameters and living environment

Then find its description, its height, its weight, its live expectancy, its habitat and what is its area of distribution, find its place in food chain ( what does it eat and which animals eat this species)

What are its breeding indices

  • How many babies in their offsprings?
  • How long is the pregnancy (gestation) period?
  • How many are still alive? What is the survival rate of juveniles?

How is it determined that a species is in danger of extinction?

Find or create a graphic that proves the extinction of this species

Locate the last individuals on a world map:

Is it a flagship species?

Is it possible to reverse the trend and save the species? What should be done?

What other species would be impacted if this one disappeared?

Are there any conservation programs or acts and which ones? List their actions and results.

What would humans lose if this species became extinct?

And if we reversed things?

Can you imagine if animals were in the place of human beings and human beings in the place of animals?

The point of view of an artist (Steve Cutts)

Will humans become extinct?

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