The activity about birds : une activité construite d’après une idée originale de Mathilde Tricoire
Goal of the activity : We want to know, if the movie of « The birds » from A. Hitchcock can become true…
The activity

Instruction (The activity about birds): Choose your team (film or algae) and follow the instructions according to the group
FILM : First part = first group : The movie
- Try to understand what the movie ‘The Birds’ from A. Hitchcock is about
- Find how this story started in the mind of Hitchcock
- Explain all of this to your classmates
ALGAE : Second part = second group : the scientific point of view

- Become an expert in your domain !
- Read and study the documents that have been given to your group
- You have to be able to explain it to your classmates of other groups !
The vocabulary :
relentlessly | sans relâche |
odd | impair |
flocks | groupes |
dislocation | |
broadcaster | radiodiffuseur |
dominion | domination |
to rely on | compter sur |
fittest | plus fort |
peck | picorer |
Seagull | Goélands |
gull | mouette |
ceaselessly | sans cesse |
to plug up | à boucher |
the chimney | la cheminée |
To settle back | Pour régler de retour |
stabbing beaks | becs lancinantes |
deft | habile |
To heighten | rehausser |
doomed | condamné |
Jaw | mâchoire |
bent on | courbé sur |
hoards | hordes |
to ramme into | percuter |
Mussels | des moules |
Tides | Marées |
Algal bloom | efflorescences algales |
threshold | seuil |
Harmful | Nocif |
To harm | nuire |
Diseases | Maladies |
shellfish | Fruits de mer |
poisonous | Toxique |
runoff | Rejets |
widespread | Répandu |
awareness | Conscience |
disruption | perturbation |
dizziness | Vertiges |
to harness | Exploiter |
Photosynthesis | Photosynthèse |
To swoop | descendre en piqué |
Raking | Ratissage |
sooty shearwaters | Macareux fuligineux |
anchovies | anchois |
outbreak | épidémie |
stranded | échoué |
estuary | estuaire |
Mussels | des moules |
slumping | affaissement |
Shoreline | littoral |
To spann across | s’étendre |
manatees | Lamantins |