Asexual Cell division

Asexual Cell division

Materials : Microscope, hyacinth’s root slides 

1- Activity 1 : Observe different stages of mitosis

Use the microscope to observe different stages of mitosis in a root of hyacinth. Draw a stage and caption your drawing.

2- Activity 2 : Where are the stages ?

Locate the four mitotic stages and comment each of them. 

3- Activity 3 : Label diagrams

Label these mitosis diagrams.

Basic vocabulary

1.  DNA – deoxyribonucleicacid;theuniquegeneticcode for everylivingthing

2.  INTERPHASE – astagebefore mitosisduringwhichexact


3.  CENTROMERE – asinglepointwheretwochromatids areheldtogether

4.  CHROMOSOMES – strands ofgeneticcodesmadeup


5.  SOMATIC – anycellthatisnotareproductivecell

6.  HAPLOID  – inhumans,atypeofcellthatcontainsa

totalof23chromosomes,halfof whatadiploidcellhas

7.  CHROMATIDS  – twoidentical parts of chromosomesthatsplitand containthesamegeneticmaterial

8.  MITOSIS – divisionofsomaticcellstocreatenewcells

9.  DIPLOID  – atypeofcellthatcontains23pairsoratotalof46chromosomes

10. EUKARYOTIC – cellsthathaveaclear,distinctnucleus

11. CENTRIOLES – twosmallpartsinanimalcellsthatdirectthemovementof chromosomesduringmitosis

12. POLES – oppositeendsofacell

13. CYTOKINESIS  – whenacells cytoplasmdividesandcutsthecellinhalfandthe resultistwocellsinplaceofone

14. ANAPHASE  – third stageofmitosis;spindlefiberspullchromatidstoopposite


15. DUPLICATE  – tomakeanexactcopyof

16. NUCLEAR MEMBRANE – envelopearoundnucleus ofacell

17. PROPHASE – first  stageofmitosis;chromosomesbecomevisibleandcentrioles movetowardspoles

18. ALIGN – tolineup

19. METAPHASE  – secondstageofmitosis;nuclear membranedissolvesand chromatidsalignincenterofcell

20. TELOPHASE  – fourth stageofmitosis;chromosomesatoppositepoles,spindle

fibersbreakdown,andanuclear envelopeformsaroundbothsetsof chromosomes

21. Microtubule  – Microscopic tubular structures which are involved in organizing the spindle during nuclear division.

22. MITOTIC SPINDLE  –The collective term for all the spindle fibers that form during mitosis.

4- Activity 4 : How the mitotic spindle work ?

Watch the video and answer the following quiz to test your knowledge 


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